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Presqu’ile Bird Report for 14-20 Jan 2022

By Doug McRae

Photo: Bald Eagle-Andrea Kingsley

This report is primarily based on sightings gleaned from eBird, and those reported directly to me. I would be grateful to hear of any interesting sightings. You can reach me at Your observations are very much appreciated. If you are reporting something rare, please provide some details (exact location, ID features noted) or photographs if possible. Finally in order to try and keep the database as accurate as possible, eBird accounts submitted under false names or pseudonyms will not be used unless I know who the actual observer is.

HIGHLIGHTS: Peregrine Falcon, Winter Wren, Hermit Thrush

OVERVIEW: Cold weather and a major snowfall have put us squarely in the dead of winter. Presqu’ile Bay is now almost entirely frozen, as is Popham Bay off the beach so as a result waterfowl diversity has fallen, and most remaining birds are being seen off the picnic areas and south of Owen Pt. During significant freezing periods many birds relocate to the Barcovan channel just east of Presqu’ile. Coverage was low again with relatively few birds reported.


Bald Eagle: Seen throughout the week with a high of 7 on 19 Jan.

Northern Harrier: Several sightings through the week with a high of two on 16 Jan.

Common Raven: Regular in small numbers with two seen 19 Jan waiting for the seven Bald eagles to finish eating a carcass on the ice.

Peregrine Falcon: An adult was seen eating something (duck?) on the ice off the Lighthouse on 16 Jan. Mid-winter sightings of this species are still rare here.

Northern Shrike: The bird frequenting the Calf Pasture area was seen again on 19 Jan.

Winter Wren: One was flushed out from under a boardwalk section along the Jobes Woods Trail on 18 Jan, presumably the same one seen there on 31 Dec.

Hermit Thrush: Two different birds were seen this week. One was photographed in the picnic area on 15 Jan, while another appeared at a feeder near the Lighthouse on the same day and remained until at least 18 Jan.

American Robin: Small numbers are being seen at various sites with the high this week being 25 seen on 16 Jan.

Red-winged Blackbird: Small numbers were seen through the week visiting Bayshore Rd. feeders with a high of seven on 20 Jan.

Purple Finch: Small numbers are starting to be seen with the high count being six on 20 Jan.

Directions: Presqu’ile Provincial Park is located south of Brighton on the north shore of Lake Ontario. It is well signed from either Hwy. 401 or Cty. Rd. 2.

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